CLASS DESCRIPTION In this year-long class, we will learn the foundations of Old English grammar while being introduced to various literary forms in the language. The first term consists of grammar knowledge, poetry reading, and initial translations. The second term includes more advanced grammar and continued poetry and narrative translations. Students will be expected to do in-class readings. Throughout the…
CLASS DESCRIPTION A year-long in-depth study of the literature of the Greeks and the Romans. Each work will be placed in its own historical and philosophical setting. A main purpose of this course is to give the student a richer understanding of the pre-Christian classical world and its religious, literary and intellectual ideals. This class and the ancient history course…
CLASS DESCRIPTION The political, social, religious and intellectual experiences of the Greeks and Romans are set in the very roots of the historical development of Europe and the Americas. It is the aim of this course to introduce students to the life of Greece and Rome, their thinkers, statesmen and soldiers, alongside their philosophies, religions and wars. The period this…
CLASS DESCRIPTION This class is designed both for Adults and High School Students who are looking for a foundational year in how to read before taking my other classes. This class will provide training in the skill and art of reading. With a heavy emphasis on learning how to read metaphorically, students will also learn how stories work, the grammar…
CLASS DESCRIPTION NOTE: This purchase provides access to the recordings a previously live class. (Note: The login information for this class will be in your Completed Invoice under Notes. Email [email protected] with any login questions.”) “From the time of its publication down to about 1914 [The Faerie Queene] was everyone’s poem—the book in which many and many a boy first…
How to Read Beowulf An in-depth week-long class with Angelina Stanford (NOTE: If you have already purchased the old Beowulf class, you can upgrade to the new class for only $20! See your purchase note for the coupon code.) When confronted with a very old work of literature, the modern reader struggles for several reasons. The biggest obstacle is that…
G.K. Chesterton was among the most popular English writers of the early Twentieth Century. As a novelist, poet, biographer, essayist, and Christian apologist he produced a large and grandly diverse body of writing that has in the past century inspired the admiration of George Orwell, Dorothy Sayers, C.S. Lewis, George Bernard Shaw, Franz Kafka, Theodore Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, Agatha Christie, Kingsley…
(Note: This is a recording of a previously live class. The login information for this class will be in your Completed Invoice under Notes. Email [email protected] with any login questions.") The Taming of the Shrew may be Shakespeare’s most misunderstood play! Angelina Stanford will lead you through Elizabethan Cosmology, the form of the play, the tradition of the taming…
The writings of the great 19th century Russian masters are among the richest in the literature of the world. The personal and political dramas, the skepticisms and struggles, beliefs and fanaticisms that gave life to the Russian world of that era are all richly presented in the works of Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Gogol and their peers. This course will begin with…
NOTE: This purchase provides access to the recordings a previously live class. Almost 20 hours of instruction. Fairy tales are universal. We find them in every time and in every culture. For as long as there have been words, people have been telling these stories. Why? Why do we tell these stories? Why do we share these stories with…
Everything you need for Advent Read-Alouds This Advent Bundle Includes Recordings of these previous classes: An in-depth mini-class on Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol taught by Angelina Stanford and Thomas Banks. With the approach of Advent, it’s the perfect time to explore Charles Dickens’ classic tale of selfishness and redemption and the Christmas spirit. Drawing on her expertise…