Regarding Next Year's Camp

As most of you know, the Western region of North Carolina was devastated by rain and flooding very recently from Hurricane Helene. Included in that was the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly, where we were slated to return for our 2025 family summer camp. Blue Ridge Assembly has suffered extensive structural damage and flooding from the storms, and has been forced to shut down for the foreseeable future.

After weeks of searching for another location for camp, House of Humane Letters has decided to postpone our scheduled 2025 summer camp to the summer of 2026.

The decision to postpone our summer camp was incredibly difficult. We know this will be disappointing for all of us, especially the HHL students. We have tried hard to find a venue that fit our needs, was financially feasible, was close enough to the bulk of our HHL families, and was still available at this late date. Despite our best efforts, we haven’t been able to find a suitable location. We feel that postponing to 2026 is the wise course of action at this point.

In the meantime, we would like to encourage more localized meetups for HHL families, to keep the spirit of camp alive until we can all meet again in person. We hope that you will be creative and reach out to each other (the HHL Camp thread on Discord is one way to communicate) to find ways to continue friendships among HHL families.

Our camp committee is currently planning ways to facilitate groups to meet in person. We welcome your ideas. More information will be available on our website and via our weekly newsletter as it is confirmed.

We are so grateful for the HHL students and families and can’t wait to see you all again in person at our 2026 summer camp. We also hope you will keep those affected by Hurricane Helene in your thoughts and prayers.


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