Latin Foundations

Suggested Age: 10 and up

Instructor: Ella Hornstra

Tuesdays, 2:30-4:00 PM Eastern

This 16-week class runs during the Spring semester only

1/2 High School Language Credit

All students will have free access to the House of Humane Letters Language Tutoring Center, should they need any extra assistance.

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Wheelock's Latin (7th Edition)

Additional Resources Provided.


Latin Foundations is not a prerequisite for Latin 1. If you are unsure about your child’s placement (Latin 1 or Latin Foundations) please email Dr. Phillips at [email protected].

The aim of this course is to offer an accessible introduction to the very first rudiments of the Latin language, and, by necessity, the principles which will aid the student in the future study of other languages.

It is a beginning course that will expect no previous experience from its students and which is structured with the goal of preparing them to take part in a high-school level Latin class. This course, however, is not a prerequisite for students considering enrollment in Latin 1, but designed for those who need a more detailed introduction.

Students will be working through the first four chapters of Wheelock’s Latin, gaining familiarity with the nature of an inflected language, and beginning their relationship with the grammar and vocabulary which will eventually enable them to read widely and with enjoyment.

Comprehension will be evaluated weekly by means of exercises both worked through in class and assigned in the homework for self-study.

All students will have free access to the House of Humane Letters Language Tutoring Center, should they need any extra assistance.

About the instructor: Ella Hornstra is a graduate of the House of Humane Letters and director of their Language Tutoring Center and is currently pursuing a degree in Classics.

She has studied Latin intensively under the direction of Dr. Anne Phillips and Thomas Banks.


$375.00 total (including $95.00 non-refundable deposit)

All balances must be paid before classes begin.

Please see our Withdrawal Policy HERE.


Three Payment Options Available:

Pay Tuition in Full Immediately

Pay Deposit Immediately and Pay Remaining Tuition by June 1st, 2025

Pay Deposit Immediately and Pay Remaining Tuition in Three Installments (June 1st, July 1st, and August 1st) with Additional Service Charge

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