
Classical History through Biography

Instructor: Thomas Banks, classicist

Who: Middle School Students (5th grade to 8th grade)

When: September 2021 through May 2022 (year-long course, 25 weeks)



Learn History through Biography: The Greek biographer Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans is one of the cornerstones of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy. Join Classicist Thomas Banks in his online class dedicated to exploring this classic book, with Solon (1st Semester) and Mark Antony (2nd Semester). 

Charlotte Mason-style lessons:  We will read these together while learning about the great and terrible events of their lives and the events of their respective eras. The readings will be guided and living and short.

Weekly Written Narrations: Students will write a narration and upload to the class forum each week. Students may also narrate orally to parents who can transcribe and upload for the student. Narrations will not be corrected or graded. There is no writing instruction; only accountability and practice with narration.

The American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson called Plutarch’s biographies “a Bible for heroes”. Let us explore it together. 

Necessary Text: Plutarch’s Lives, Dryden translation (available online)

Please Note: This course has rotating content so that students may take the class more than once.


$550 total

  • $95 non-refundable deposit due upon registration.
  • The Balance is due June 1, 2021.
  • Payment plans (3 installments--June, July , August) are available.
  • All balances must be paid before classes begin.

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