Latin 3

Instructor: Thomas Banks

Tuesdays, Thursdays - 2:30-4:00 PM Eastern

1 High School Foreign Language Credit and 1 High School Literature Credit

This class runs on the 32-week schedule, which begins the week of August 11th, or is available as an asynchronous class

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Every student should have a reliable Latin-English dictionary (such as the Bantam New College Latin Dictionary or the Oxford Latin Dictionary).

All of the readings in this course will be linked to online. No hard copy text of any of the assigned works need be purchased.


This course is a continuation of Latin II. In this class, students will take the knowledge of Latin grammar and vocabulary they have acquired in their previous studies and apply it to the reading of original Latin texts from the time of the Roman Republic down to the beginning of the Christian era. Assigned readings will include a considerable amount of both Latin prose and poetry from a variety of literary genres. Our hope is to increase students’ knowledge and their love of the Latin language and that tongue’s principal authors, as well as of Classical Antiquity itself.

This class counts towards both 1 High School Foreign Language Credit and 1 High School Literature Credit.

Latin 3 Placement: Students who wish to enroll in this course must have completed Wheelock’s Latin textbook in Latin II with Dr. Anne Phillips, or they must have equivalent experience in past Latin courses taken elsewhere. Students who hope to transfer from other Latin programs should take the placement text accessible in the link below. Please read carefully and print. We suggest that the parent of the prospective student supervise the exam. When it is completed, scan the finished exam and email it to Mr. Banks at [email protected].

Latin 3 Guidelines for Live and Asynchronous Students

Live students will be required to turn in their homework assignments and complete all quizzes and the midterm and final exams. All homework, quizzes and examinations will be posted for students on Canvas, where they can upload their finished work by the assigned date. Examinations will be posted approximately one week before they are due at the end of each semester. For those families who wish to enroll in the live section of this course, please note that we have decided to allow a maximum of 25 students in this group. There is no limit placed on the number of students who can enroll in the asynchronous section.

Asynchronous Students are advised to turn in all homework, but will not be required to do so. Likewise we hope that asynchronous students will complete the semester-end examinations, but we will not make this a course requirement.  

Nota Bene: Weekly homework assignments from both live and asynchronous students will be graded on completion rather than correctness, and students will receive written feedback on their work from Mr. Banks. Quizzes and examinations will be graded formally.  



Introductory Price: $715.00 total (including $95.00 non-refundable deposit)

All balances must be paid before classes begin.

Please see our Withdrawal Policy HERE.


Three Payment Options Available:

Pay Tuition in Full Immediately

Pay Deposit Immediately and Pay Remaining Tuition by June 1st, 2025

Pay Deposit Immediately and Pay Remaining Tuition in Three Installments (June 1st, July 1st, and August 1st) with Additional Service Charge

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