The Fundamentals of the English Language

Instructor: Heather Goodman, ThM

Tuesdays, 2:30-3:30 PM Eastern

This 16-week class runs during the Fall semester only


Language study is the science of relations and patterns. This class teaches the fundamentals of the English language through an overview of the structure of a sentence, including the parts of speech, inflection, and syntax. Students who have been learning grammar informally through reading, copywork, and dictation may use this course as a first formal grammar course. The class is also appropriate for any student who wishes a refresher course in grammar before studying a foreign language (such as our Latin, Greek and Anglo-Saxon courses).

We will use The Mother Tongue: Adapted for Modern Students by George Lyman Kittredge, Sarah Louise Arnold, and Amy M. Edwards. Each week, we’ll cover new grammatical concepts, walk through sentence analysis with the new concepts, and review homework together as needed. Students will be assigned 6-10 sentences each week to analyze or label and can expect to spend 15-30 minutes a week on homework. Homework will be checked for comprehension, not for grades. No final grade will be assigned. Parents may assign a grade if needed.

This course is appropriate for roughly 5 to 9th grade. Older students who need a grammar refresher are also welcome.

About the instructor: Heather Goodman received her Master of Theology (ThM) from Dallas Theological Seminary, where she studied, among other things, the Greek and Hebrew languages. After graduating from HHL’s fellowship, she has enjoyed learning Anglo-Saxon and Latin.


$330.00 total (including $95.00 non-refundable deposit)

All balances must be paid before classes begin.

Please see our Withdrawal Policy HERE.


Three Payment Options Available:

Pay Tuition in Full Immediately

Pay Deposit Immediately and Pay Remaining Tuition by June 1st, 2025

Pay Deposit Immediately and Pay Remaining Tuition in Three Installments (June 1st, July 1st, and August 1st) with Additional Service Charge

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