Classical Greek 1
Instructor: Dr. Anne Phillips, PhD Classical Studies
Tuesdays, Fridays - 12:15-1:45 PM Eastern
1 High School Foreign Language Credit
This class runs on the 32-week schedule, which begins the week of August 11th, or is available as an asynchronous class

Anne Groton's From Alpha to Omega (4th edition)
46 Latin Stories by Anne Groton & James May
Basics of Greek Accents: Eight Lessons with Exercises by John A. L. Lee
While Ancient Classical Greek can be intimidating, it can also be very rewarding. The purpose of studying Classical Greek is first and foremost to read and appreciate authors such as Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Euripides, and many others. Studying Classical Greek can also illuminate many important and foundational aspects of the literary tradition.
It is also important to note that students of Classical Greek will also have all the knowledge they will need to read the Greek New Testament, which was written in "Koine" Greek, a simplified version of Classical Greek. It is easier for Classical Greek students to read Koine Greek than for students who have only studied Koine to read Classical Greek texts. Students contemplating Biblical Studies will find many benefits to learning Classical Greek, as it provides vital context and background for understanding the world of the New Testament.
This course will cover the first 25 chapters of Anne Groton's text From Alpha to Omega and emphasize building grammatical knowledge and reading fluency. It will also give students a glimpse into the complex and colorful world of the Ancient Greeks.
NOTE: This course is more difficult than Latin 1 and will require some more technical knowledge (particularly the use of a Greek keyboard), so the minimum age for this course is 14 by Fall 2025.
This course will also require consistency and effort, so make sure that you are prepared to take it seriously and put in the work it requires. To that end, Dr. Phillips would like to request that Classical Greek students take some time before class begins to learn the alphabet. Resources for this will be provided.
NOTE FOR LATIN AND ANGLO-SAXON STUDENTS: If you are thinking of taking Greek at the same time as Latin and/or Anglo-Saxon, please email Dr. Phillips ([email protected]) and/or Mrs. Rogers () to discuss first.
Greek 1 - Policy Guidelines for Live and Asynchronous Students
Due to the nature of a language class, we will have a slightly different policy on how to accommodate both live and asynchronous students to ensure that all of our students are receiving the full benefits of the class (as much as possible).
There are 2 potential options:
2) Asynchronous Available upon Discussion with the Instructor. Asynchronous students are still required to complete homework and exams in a modified time frame depending on their situation. Asynchronous students are also encouraged to communicate regularly with the instructor about their progress.
NB: The instructor will not be taking attendance or participation as a specific grade item. Homework is graded on completion and not correctness. Students will receive corrections and feedback on their homework, but only quizzes and exams will be formally graded.
Teacher Bio
Dr. Phillips received a degree in Latin and Greek from Hillsdale College and completed her PhD in Classical Studies from University of California, Santa Barbara.
Introductory Price: $750.00 total (including $95.00 non-refundable deposit)
All balances must be paid before classes begin.
Please see our Withdrawal Policy HERE.
Three Payment Options Available:
Pay Tuition in Full Immediately
Pay Deposit Immediately and Pay Remaining Tuition by June 1st, 2025
Pay Deposit Immediately and Pay Remaining Tuition in Three Installments (June 1st, July 1st, and August 1st) with Additional Service Charge